How to Increase Your Memory Power


Mindmaps helps us remember

There are numerous strategies used to improve long-term memory. By itself, imagery has considerable value in helping make information memorable because, researchers indicate our minds encode images with both visual and audio tags for later retrieval. To experience the power of imagery use a mind-map, for example, the next time you need to remember the definition of a word or concept. People often use imagery in combination with other strategies for remembering complex concepts such as the uses of the chemical benzene or the spelling of words. In conjunction with a group of strategies for enhancing memory called mnemonics it is a powerful tool for improving memory performance.

How To Use Simple Methods To Improve Your Memory

brain nerves

Connected neurons create our memories.

Many strategies can make simpler kinds of information more memorable. First, maintenance rehearsal is the direct recycling of information in order to keep it active in working memory. We perform maintenance rehearsal to keep a telephone number active in our mind until we dial the number. Likewise, we use maintenance rehearsal to keep a street address active in working memory until we can drive to our location. While maintenance rehearsal is effective, the benefits seldom last long.The capacity of our working memory is limited to about seven pieces or chunks of information. Researchers have shown that ordinary people can learn chunking strategies to improve the capacity of their working memory. In other words, people can improve their working memory by breaking information into larger and larger units of meaning. This is one of the reasons that people normally recite their phone number and social security number in three segments thereby improving their memory processing.