Contact SmartAleckBlog

Contact Us

Please scan through the answers to frequently asked questions before emailing me.

Answers to common questions:

  • We welcome feedback about a specific typo or mistake to correct. This is valuable feedback, thank you.
  •  We encourage topic suggestions.
  • Yes, we may publish your infographic, quiz or survey.
  • We am currently looking for writers and will publish guest posts on SmartAleckBlog (or write guest posts on other blogs).
  • If you are looking for more information about a topic then Google Scholar is highly recommended.
  • Depending upon scheduling and the complexity of your request someone might be able to help with your school or work projects.
  • If you do not agree with the conclusions of a study or article mentioned in a post:   please contact the original authors.
  • Many pages have comments disabled because they take too long to administer.
  • We cannot enter into correspondence about personal issues and I cannot give you advice about where to study/career changes etc.
  • We very rarely publish book reviews on SmartAleckBlog.
  • We do not allow anyone to use my writing without our direct agreement.
  • Translating my articles into other languages is fine, as long as your website is not for profit. Do not forget to credit SmartlaeckBlog and provide a link back to the original article on SmartAleckBlog.

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