These three strategies will make you smarter

A link is one of the best ways to remember a list of things. The link strategy is best suited for learning lists of things. The person forms an image for each item in a list of things to be learned. Then, you picture each image as interacting with the next item on the list so that all items link in imagination. To illustrate, suppose a person needed to remember to take her laptop, IPad, briefcase, customer report, power cord, and laser pointer home this evening. She could imagine a scene in which she tucks the customer report inside the laptop. The laptop is inside the briefcase. The iPad is on top of the briefcase and with the power cord wrapped around the briefcase and iPad.   At the end of her workday, she mentally unwraps the interactive image that makes it probable that recall of any item on the list will queue recall for the others.

A story is easy for you to create and remember

Using stories to remember is also a simple and effective memory strategy. This simple mnemonic is a use of stories constructed from a list of words that one wants to remember. In this method, the story highlights the words of importance. When the person recalls the story, they also recall the words of importance.

For example, suppose a student is required to bring scissors, a three ring binder, a calculator, and a red marker pencil to school. In order to remember these items the student could construct the following story to help her or he remember these items. “A king put his calculator in a three ringer binder and draws a red bullseye on the binder with his red marker. Afterwards the king throws his scissors into the bullseye.

Should you use acronyms to improve your memory?

Among all mnemonics, the one that people most often report using is the first letter method. It is similar to the story mnemonic except it involves using the first letters of the pertinent words to construct acronyms. For illustration suppose a high school student is trying to remember that borax is made of boron, oxygen, and sodium. The student would take the first letter of each component and construct the word BOS. Then when he or she attempts to recall borax she or he will simply remember the word BOS and generate the ingredients from each letter in the word.

The basis for this post comes from Byrnes, J. P. (2009). Cognitive development and learning in instructional contexts. Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Your Self-Efficacy and why it is important

According to Bandura (2012) self-efficacy is the belief in ones capabilities to organize and execute the sources of action required to manage prospective situations. The idea emphasizes the exercise of human agency; specifically, peoples’ ability to exercise influence over what they think and do. Examples of self-efficacy include a person’s belief that they can perform a particular job, sing a song, or solve a logic problem.

Scientists have investigated the effects of self-efficacy in numerous domains and many people have assumed it is a significant influence on human performance.  Self-efficacy beliefs affect our choice of activities and effort expended upon personal actions. It also influences our perseverance in the face of obstacles; how we feel and the goals that we choose.

The best methods to improve your Self-Efficacy

You have three ways to increase our self-efficacy. First are mastery experiences that result from the desire to develop a competency. Researchers tend to regard mastery experiences as the most influential source of self-efficacy. Although mastery experiences imply proficiency, futile attempts will undermine self-efficacy beliefs. Vicarious experiences encompass viewing a comparable other’s performance on given tasks. This source of self-efficacy is particularly powerful when people are unsure of their own abilities or when they have modest prior knowledge of the pertinent activity. Discussions and other forms of persuasive communication can also raise self-efficacy. These are most successful when expressed by parties who are capable and honest. Click here to receive your guide to self-efficacy development.

Can a model make you smarter?

To master a new skill many people read about and practice the new skill. To learn more efficiently you must also rely upon social sources for skill acquisition. Social sources for learning include anybody who can demonstrate and explain the skill you are trying to acquire.  In other words you need to watch someone perform the skill you want to learn. This could be someone on a YouTube video. Preferably watch a live performance from a person you relate to and admire. A model provides you with a basic pattern of performance to emulate and it is okay if you do not imitate your models exact actions.

Models motivate you to perform better   

Credible models convey performance standards that will motivate you to learn the new skill. If you want to learn how to lay bricks find a bricklayer who can demonstrate the skill to you. Models can exert an even more positive influence upon an observer’s future performance by expressing their beliefs about and interest in their skill development. Watching a model helps increase an observers’ self-efficacy for the relevant skill. Self-efficacy is one’s belief that they can perform a particular task.

Feedback from models improves your performance

If you want to solve engineering problems find a knowledgeable person who can solve such problems. Have this person explain their rationale for solving the problem. Models also elevate one’s skill level by offering explanations. This is important because this type of dialog helps skill builders become more proficient in enacting the steps outlined in the explanation.  Collaboration is important in building new skills. The next time you are trying to learn something new consult with a knowledgeable and trustworthy person.

What is self-evaluation and why does it matter?

Self-evaluation refers to measuring goal progress by comparing one’s current level of performance to a desired goal state. Self –evaluation is important because it helps you improve your performance. Self-evaluation certainly implies that one is self-monitoring their performance. Self-monitoring could be as simple as keeping mental notes on performance but should involve keeping a written record of performances.

Goals and feedback on performance are also required for self-evaluation.  They can be internal or external factors. This means that both personal and social matters are relevant to self-evaluation. One example could be the goal of losing five pounds and feedback would pertain to self-measurements of weight. A similar scenario would concern a supervisor’s assigned goal to exceed weekly sales quota and feedback comes from a company sales reports.

Individuals assess whether they have successfully fulfilled their expectations as part of self-evaluation. This results in changes in effort, perceptions of performance, and goal commitment.  Negative feelings often present if progress is slower than expected towards goals.  Low performers react negatively to this type of self-evaluation.  They are unlikely to try to improve their performance because they attribute their errors to internal, stable factors, such as low ability. They also attribute their performance to circumstances that they cannot change. It is not surprising that a person may change their goals due to negative self-evaluation.

Did you know self-evaluation is a precursor to high performance?

People who achieve high performance continue to pursue their goals following negative self-evaluation. They tend to attribute their failure to low effort and poor use of learning strategies. If progress is not sufficient, one may increase effort or change strategies to increase the likelihood of goal attainment and improving performance. High performers focus their attention on circumstances they can change. High performers are persistent.

Self-evaluations have both indirect and direct consequences. They have important implications for how we feel about ourselves and how we respond to challenges. Self-evaluation influences whether we pursue our goals. In the end, our self-evaluations will be negative at some point in our life; you must be persistent, increase your effort and try new strategies for great performance.

How to be an awesome quick study in no time

Learning Strategies help us perform at higher levels. Learning strategies or strategies are efficient procedures that people use to complete a task. We need strategies because we have a limited amount of thinking resources. Strategies allow us to do more with our limited mental resources. It is convenient to distinguish between three types of strategies: generic, domain specific and higher order.

Did you know there are three types of learning strategies?

  1. Goal setting is a generic strategy because one can use goal setting in a variety of domains. A domain is a specified sphere of activity or knowledge. Another generic strategy is rehearsal that is the recycling of information in short term memory. We perform rehearsal when we are trying to retain a phone number just long enough to dial the number.
  2. The second type of strategy is domain specific. Using a cooking recipe for beef stew is a domain specific strategy because a cooking recipe has little use outside a kitchen. Applying a depreciation formula to a rental property is also a domain specific strategy because it has limited value outside of accounting practices. Likewise, computer-programming procedures have little use outside computer languages.
  3. Metacognitive strategies are the third type of strategy. People engage in these strategies to adapt to and manage strategies while thinking. Metacognition refers to thinking about one’s thinking. It concerns two types of knowledge: facts and steps to perform a task, in other words procedural knowledge. Metacognition helps us monitor and control our strategies. One example of metacognition occurs when a person uses multiple comprehension strategies while reading because they know they will comprehend more efficiently.

 Do you want to become a good learning strategy user?

Good strategy users have a broad repertoire of strategies. They use such strategies in an automatic manner with little conscious effort. Moreover, they perform all types of strategies in this manner. Being an automated strategy user is best because it allows you to allocate your limited thinking resources to constructing meaning and overseeing your learning processes. Which type of strategy user are you? For more information on strategies, download your free primer on learning strategies.

What is the best way to get advanced software skills?

Kamren Zorgdrager is Director of Product Development at DevelopIntelligence and believes that software developers should develop their coding skills through deliberate practice. In a recent Forbes article he emphasized simply reading, watching and listening can only teach you so much about coding software. To become a proficient software developer you must actually practice and put your skills to the test. In the case of developing software, you must practice writing code.

To attain advanced levels of a skill you must deliberately practice tasks designed to enhance your performance.  You must practice regularly and extensively. Computer labs or assignments in a software development class are an excellent way to practice software development skills.

The more one practices the better one gets regardless of their initial talent and ability.  Performance differences attributed to talent and ability decrease over time as a function of practice. This means that highly talented individuals lose their competitive edge over time if they do not practice when compared with less talented individuals. Use it or lose holds true regarding skill development.

High quality practice boosts your skillset

The quality in addition to the quantity of practice is extremely important. Researchers indicate the highest quality practice takes place early in the morning.  Practice is generally more efficient when two hours in length with informational feedback. Informational feedback provides knowledge about errors and suggestions on how to improve performance. Both are particularly helpful in fostering high quality practice.  The best practice occurs under the watchful guidance of a skilled mentor who helps the developing person set goals and monitor improvement.

It is important to note practice counts much more than native ability. There is no easy path to advanced skill. Those who work the hardest for the longest time and have access to skilled mentors can reach the highest level of skill attainment. This means that you can become an expert software developer even if you were not born with all the necessary skills.